
I started on a serious spiritual path when I was roughly 35 (about 20 years ago) — right around the time I started entertaining the age-old question, “Is this really all there is?”

I tried everything you might imagine to come up with answers that could give my life the purpose and meaning I was looking for.  I have since realized that all of the books I’ve read, seminars I’ve attended and methods I’ve come across, have given me another piece of the puzzle — but the puzzle is by no means complete.

During this self-discovery process, I’ve come to a deeper understanding of Spiritual Law and prayer and managed to strengthen my connection to a Higher Power.  I completed a Gestalt training course on dreams, taught my own class on the meaning and power of dreams, became a group facilitator and spiritual counselor and trained in Theta Healing techniques developed by Vianna Stibal. Since then, through determination and taking various courses for healers to learn more, I have developed my gift for channeling information from my guidance through my clairaudience which has led to specific personal readings as to what energies need to be adjusted for healing and what methods to use to achieve this. In addition, I am often given action steps for the client to take to help them with their own healing journey. From there, the healing work is turned over to my guides and the results have been astounding – way beyond anything I had imagined when I was doing this kind of work on my own. I now run my life from a space of peace and understanding and use my personal experience and the assistance of my guides to help my clients in ways that can and have created the dramatic change they were seeking. One of the biggest shifts early on in my healing journey occurred when I started paying attention to the power of the subconscious mind. This, to me, is the golden key to life — sorting through the beliefs, habits and energies that our subconscious mind holds on to and recognizing the reality we create for ourselves as a result.

I am more excited than ever to combine everything I know to support those who come to me for help, especially those struggling through turbulent times, by using my intuitive healing knowledge along with the words and healing assistance of my guidance.